

Homestretch is a comprehensive housing program that helps homeless families with children in Virginia to find the resources they need to rebuild their lives.

The needs of Homestretch clients can be enormous and varied. Families become homeless and end up at the doors of Homestretch due to many different reasons. It may be due to natural disasters such as hurricane Katrina, or sudden losses of loved ones who were primary breadwinners. Many women flee situations of domestic violence and end up homeless with their children. Some are political refugees from war torn countries and others are families who have been caught up in patterns of dysfunction and poverty who seek ways to stabilize their lives.

In a given year, Homestretch will work with as many as 120 families and 300 children. It is important to note that the average age of a homeless child in Homestretch is eight years old so it is imperative to break the cycle of poverty and help these children have promising futures.

The success of Homestretch’s approach is reflected in its positive track record. Since 1990, Homestretch has assisted over 900 families and over 2,000 children. Of those families entering Homestretch, 83% complete the program and successfully transition into permanent affordable housing. Recent tracking demonstrates that after two years of having left our program, 93% of graduates remain stable, housed and employed.
To date 20 Homestretch graduated families have become first-time homeowners. 10 more families are expected to become first time homebuyers within two years.

Homestretch Services for adults include:
- Case management
- Employment counseling
- Credit counseling
- Tax preparation
- Probono legal services
- ESL classes
- Computer literacy training
- GED tutoring
- Domestic violence education and counseling
- Therapy
- Substance abuse counseling
- Life skills training
- Transportation assistance

Homestretch services for children include:
- Advocacy for children with school teachers and administrators
- Collaboration with mental and health services and physicians
- Access to dental, vision and other specialized health services
- Donor driven scholarships for exceptional medical needs
- Academic tutoring on site
- On site nursery and child care
- Off site child care subsidies
- Free summer camps and camps during Spring Break
- Provision of free school supplies for all school aged children
- Holiday adoptions for all families, including graduated families
- Provision of free clothing and food and other needs of children
- Weekly life skills programs for children of all ages
- Drug, alcohol and tobacco education
- Pre-kindergarten programming
- Free bicycles
- Free birthday gifts and birthday cakes for all children under age 18
- Assistance in securing free or subsidized after-school programs
- Assistance with scholarships and loans to college

...and more!

Families can stay with Homestretch for two years or more as they acquire the skills and resources they need to live productive and independent lives.

Our mission is to empower homeless families with children under age 18 in Virginia to attain permanent housing and self-sufficiency by giving them the skills, knowledge, and hope they need to become productive participants in the community.

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