Our goal is to eliminate breast cancer as life threatening disease by advancing diagnosis, treatment, research and education. 100% of donations go to project goals.
Brem Foundation to Defeat Breast Cancer is a grassroots effort dedicated to aiding the work of Dr. Rachel Brem, a world renowned leader in research and implementation of innovative technology for early detection of Breast Cancer. Dr. Brem is the director of Breast Imaging and Intervention at the George Washington University Medical Center.
Dr. Brem and Brem foundation are committed to:
- helping women get the diagnostic services they need regardless of if they uninsured or underinsured
-publishing Dr. Brem's groundbreaking research for women
-purchasing equipment so that Dr. Brem may develop and use the latest technology
-making certain 100% of donations are used for Brem Foundation projects
-educating and empowering women