Sapphire Butterflies Organization


The Sapphire Butterflies Organization presents "The Black Swan & Pearls Cotillion

This Cotillion will offer good social skills & give each Deb & Beaus the ability to present oneself properly when necessary in our society today.

This Cotillion will also help to empower young girls to feel comfortable and confident in not only for themselves and others; but to teach you how to communicate effectively in business and personal situations.
The Black Swan Cotillion & Beautillion Organization will teach each Deb and Beaus to set leadership example in school and/or any social situation.The Black Swan Cotillion and Beautillion Finishing School will instruct your Deb and/or Beau in the areas of respect, courtesy and confidence,; and the importance of dress, appearance, and table manner etiquette.

The Black Swan & Pearls Cotillion & Beaus will be hosted and sponsored by The Sapphire Butterflies Organization.
Throughout education, Debs and Beaus will be comfortable will learn to be comfortable with themselves by learning how to be respectful of ones’ self, communicate better and develop respect and self-confidence with the opposite sex.
This Cotillion is NOT about “cookies and punch”.

Our mission is to prepare & introduce our youth to the world of Arts & Etiquette skills that will impact their lives through spiritual, personal, & social development.

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