In 2015, Outward Bound Peacebuilding will engage 60 new peacebuilding leaders across three continents via two kinds of programs. Our deep engagements programs include the Palestinian – Israeli Emerging Leaders Program for next generation leaders from Israel and Palestine offered since 2009. Our education and training programs include the Practicum on Experiential Peacebuilding, a 10-day expedition course for professionals and graduate students of conflict resolution and peacebuilding, delivered in partnership with Costa Rica Outward Bound and the United Nations University for Peace. Additionally, Outward Bound
Peacebuilding creates and facilitates workshops and other learning experiences with a variety of partners, including from the network of 40 Outward Bound Schools around the world.
Beginning with a catalytic expedition that encourages participants to push their limits and move beyond their comfort zones, the Outward Bound Center for Peacebuilding works with locally-based partners to identify next generation leaders, design programs that encourage leadership and teamwork; contribute to conflict resolution and reconciliation; and foster respect and trust among individuals and communities in regions of conflict.
The Outward Bound Center for Peacebuilding challenges and inspires leaders in divided societies to build peace.